Since the training in Lueven and the visualisation of biological data course we conducted in Tuebingen, Visualisation is one of the crucial aspects of my day-to-day scientific work. I often develop interactive websites to visualise the results and enable the application of the algorithms.
Orchestra long COVID to view the Latent Transition Analysis model.
Value-Dx clinical algorithm webserver to view the DTA meta-analysis results and to interact with clinical algorithm.
RiboScanner to browse and predict if the given sequence would bind to the bacterial rRNA.
MINT webserver to analyse and visualise an RNA molecule from a pdb file.
Small contributions

In the Infectious Diseases department, I provide a lot of support and advice on static and interactive data visualisation. My contributions often are not substantial enough for the authorship. Nonetheless, here I keep track of my contributions focused on visualisation.

Pezzani, M. D. et al. Methodological quality of studies evaluating the burden of drug-resistant infections in humans due to the WHO Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System target bacteria